Set the right direction for your career
A place where skills mean more than a CV.

Work with top companies around the world
What you get at sky gate?
Flexible working hours
Problem with getting up in the morning, with us it's not a problem, nothing will happen if you come at 10am.
Comfortable office
A place to relax, or a football table, you'll have different options to take a breather.
Private medical insurance
Extensive private health care package.
English lessons
With the help of English lessons, you'll feel like a native speaker!
Meeting a new team can be stressful... You'll begin your adventure with your mentor.
Need to work from home, no problem. Isn't that easy?
Yes, our one and only superdog... Everyday happy Buba will say hello to you!
Integration events
Get together regularly to forget about work sometimes!

sky gate’s core values
Values reflect what is important to the entire company. They guide our efforts, define our culture, shape the way we develop software, and change as we move toward more ambitious goals.
Clarity and credibility
Clarity, credibility in businesses and just an ordinary honesty are an absolute base in any business contacts we run in sky gate.

People first
We care about team’s motivation and treat everyone individually.

We run projects from the scratch, organize conferences and events. Creativity is a process that accompanies us every day and we like it very much!

We are currently looking for
Can't see your dream job?
Apply and we will get back to you with a profile-matched job offer.