An application which makes it easy for people to plan their journeys.
Oct 2014 – Jun 2015
eSky (eDestinos) is a Polish leading flight and travels ticket sales market with 70% market coverage and $200M annual revenue. Already active in 15 countries and growing.

Scope of Work
skygate has prepared brand new architecture for the current application backend and helped implemented it using Domain Driven Design in PHP. Four PHP architects from skygate were implementing and teaching other eSKY developers about writing clean code with low tech debt.

Client Feedback
“When starting cooperation we counted on a few benefits; to acquire some more knowledge on ‘know – how’ in the form of best practices. Thanks to skygate, we managed to increase the quality and parallelization of the development. The cooperation with your company turned out to be very fruitful as we gained some more knowledge and experience, which we truly appreciate. We consider your company and your team as great professionals us and constantly jumped at the opportunity to build more features into the projects we gave them.”