Fayre is an NFT marketplace connected with community features and the possibility to become a member of a club to pay a lower gas fee.
NFT marketplace (cross-compatible with other marketplaces based on Metadata compatibility like OpenSea, Rarible etc). Whole environment allows to trade (creating, buying, selling, bidding, swapping) NFTs. Market allows using subscriptions to gain advantages for users like discounts and for creators, admins as fees shared between them. The whole ecosystem is secure because of exact approach in creating smart contracts. Main connector to web3 space is metamask used as a wallet on Ethereum Mainnet Network.

“>We have created the whole marketplace ecosystem. We have allowed different brands to connect with consumers via NFT. We have added a community aspect to the marketplace with users able to leave feedback, talk to each other, and for brands to communicate with users. Our marketplace could easily cooperate with other popular marketplaces. We have allowed users to introduce NFTs that belong to them from other marketplaces to make a viral trading ecosystem. We have covered the basic aspects of NFT marketplaces. We have created the marketplace’s own token – currency.